Saturday, January 19, 2013

The Politics of Voter Fraud and Collusion

Voting more than once is not allowed!
One News Now has published this post about the GOP looking to change the election laws on the state level as they relate to the Electoral College. This effort stems from the wailing about rampant voter fraud that was heard around the country after the last election. President Obama was essentially said to have stolen the election as a direct result of widespread criminal activity surrounding many aspects of voting activity.

While this is strictly a matter of the GOP against the Democratic Party, it must be reminder of the legal precedent, no, the legal agreement in place and upheld by the Courts that bars the GOP from taking any action against the legal voting process simply by the Democrats asserting any form of racial discrimination against the GOP. The details are in this article from World Net Daily.
So, when the GOP begins to cry about voter fraud and attempt to combat it, it's much ado about nothing. And both sides have agreed to do nothing.
Obama is not speaking and happy about their agreement with the GOP

Even president Obama is not speaking about it!

Sometimes the details of politics can leave one speechless!

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