Sunday, July 04, 2010

Thomas Jefferson, Sigmund Freud & the Independence Slip

As this article and video confirm, it seems that revered Founding Father and penman of the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson, unconsciously scribed a word that was directly contrary to all principles of the freedom they were about to initiate. Modern technology allows us to view the original use of the word "subjects," which was wiped out then replaced by the word "citizens."

Some might say, like Sigmund Freud, that Jefferson's use of the word "subjects" was a sign of Jefferson's innate acknowledgement of their true legal position before the King of England. The fact that he had to correct the document shows that such latent truth, when having been lived out and acknowledged in so many ways in your life, is hard to abandon.

Furthermore, such a change is also a reminder that words and their meanings matter significantly. How many realize the legal importance held by the two words? Any competent Attorney or Judge will tell you that the Declaration was first and foremost a legal document. The words and concepts used in it and the Constitution have been resorted to innumerable times to articulate and clarify the law. And it still serves that purpose today.

So, the definition of the words from a relevant dictionary of the times and compiled by one who was intimately familiar with the founding era, its Leaders and their writings is in order. Noah Webster and his original 1828 edition will speak for us.

Citizen, n. 5. In the U. States, a person, native or naturalized, who has the privilege of exercising the elective franchise, or the qualifications which enable him to vote for rulers, and to purchase and hold real estate.

Subject, n. 1. One that owes allegiance to a sovereign and is governed by his laws........The natives of the United States, and naturalized foreigners, are subjects of the Federal government. Men in free governments, are subjects as well as citizens; as citizens, they enjoy rights and franchises; as subjects they are bound to obey the laws.

Sovereign, n. A supreme lord or ruler; one who possesses the highest the highest authority without control.

One who honestly looks at the above words should come away with the realization that the Revolution did nothing more than substitute one sovereign for another. Instead of owing allegiance to a single personality, we are instead subjected to a system administered by a plethora of fellow citizens.

There's a Supreme Court case which spells out the conversion of status which took place with the gaining of independence. The sovereignty of the King passed to the citizens of the United States. So each man became a sovereign, an individual king in his own right. So when a fellow citizen is elected to office, the remaining citizenry is actually ruled by a multi-headed King or Sovereign called government. The citizen, though having privileges and franchises granted to him, is still a subject. He is still subject to certain powers above him.

The Consititution bears this out in Amendments which refer to United States citizens being "subject to the jurisdiction thereof." If you think that these references are terms of freedom, please think again. they are informing you that a particular status brings with it a commensurate subjection to the all powerful Sovereign government.

This idea finds lawful fulfilment in the doctrine of parens patriae. This doctrine simply means that the State is the Parent of the Nation. By Law, the government owns everything and everyone. You are the child who canot care for themself and the State is the one who can determine everything for you. Those who get crossways with official public policy will find themselves mercilessly subjected to this doctrine as the State asserts its will regarding its property and the official disposal and use of it.

So, remember the typo of Jefferson, then remember Freud. Maybe Sig got something right after all!

Enjoy your independence!

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